BeerCap Barshop i Minsk

Åben kort
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🕗 Åbningstider

10, Ulitsa Gertsena, Minsk, BY Belarus
Kontakter telefon: +375 29 630-02-10
Latitude: 53.9055991, Longitude: 27.558335
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Kommentar 5

  • boxgeo boxgeo

    boxgeo boxgeo


    Good choice of craft beer on draft and in the bottles, best in the Belarus. No food menu, only snacks. Very expensive for Belarus.

  • Yan Pabudzei

    Yan Pabudzei


    Best craft beer bar/shop in Minsk. Cosy & friendly

  • bryan schaaf

    bryan schaaf


    I'm a fan. The bottle shop has an eclectic collection of beers including Belarussian craft beers which is what I was really after. The staff are friendly, helpful, and speak English. In the back is a bar that opens after 5:00 and has a respectable number of taps. There is wi-fi. A great place to come for one beer or several.

  • Nick



    Best beer bar in the entire city. Here you can find a lot of beer that you won’t find for sale in the city. It’s a lovely place. They take visa and MasterCard and they also have WiFi

  • Stef van Schijndel

    Stef van Schijndel


    Love this place. Always some interesting beers on tap. Good atmosphere, friendly staff. Sometimes the lines at the bar are a bit long, but there's always someone to have a friendly conversation nearby

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