Cat Museum i Minsk

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23, Ulitsa Internatsional'naya, Minsk, BY Belarus
Kontakter telefon: +375 29 642-31-83
Latitude: 53.9037385, Longitude: 27.5586329
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Kommentar 5

  • Lulzim Avdiu

    Lulzim Avdiu


    Very cute cwts and friendly staff

  • Rajeev B

    Rajeev B


    A must visit if you like cats. Lot of paintings of cats and 10 cats to pet

  • Chris Joondeph

    Chris Joondeph


    It’s cool but it’s meant for kids. You can pet cats and play games but it’s not really a “museum”.

  • Bryan Schaaf

    Bryan Schaaf


    I love the concept. Pay your ticket, disinfect your hands, receive a complementary tea, and spend as much time as you want playing with about fifteen cats who are at the Cat Museum until they find permanent homes. The Cat Museum has plenty of space for the cats, they have places to hide when they need to, and every room has cat-themed art. While I am not in a position to adopt another cat at least I was able to give them some attention and support their feeding and other needs. I would really like to see something similar open in Kyiv where I am now.

  • Лера Хартанович

    Лера Хартанович


    This place is really cute, soft and comfortable. There are some little activities like drawing and board games here. And of course caaats, many cats :з

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