Gentlemen's House i Minsk

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9, Ulitsa Zybitskaya, Minsk, BY Belarus
Kontakter telefon: +375 29 320-06-02
Latitude: 53.9053566, Longitude: 27.558875
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Kommentar 5

  • D



    Place itself looks good, and girls are nice and dance well. Music, drinks and overall atmosphere make great feeling. It looks really good, but main issue is there lack of culture, style and relax. Girls keep asking for private dance, cocktails and etc. this is a problem - you can not enjoy the atmosphere but actually feel like employer has not paid wage and girls try to get it. So can not simply keep conversation without payment or asking minimum tips for public dance like 20 rubles (alternatively cocktail ). What kind of gentleman you can feel if tips for 10 usd or less are rejected. You can not feel yourself even a man which could make present or give cocktail - it feels just target to squeeze you for a money. Overall it is disappointing - great place, nice girls, good service, but no natural feeling and no relax.

  • franck lenormand

    franck lenormand


    Nice club, they doesn't try to scam you. Entrance : 40 roubles. The girl inside are nice. Prices : - dance 20 roubles, -private dance : 100 roubles. -30min with girl to stay in your booth: 100 roubles, for 1h: 200 roubles. I had a good time and the night went well.

  • Alexander P

    Alexander P


    Был осенью в этом шикарном заведении в плане девочек и обслуживания.Стоит ли потраченных денег?-на девочек и их танцы/ приват-однозначно,алкоголь дороговат,но так всегда в стрип-клубах.Особенно впечатлила Снежана-обворожительная и тактичная девушка.Обязательно навещу еще раз.

  • Sergey Kaptur

    Sergey Kaptur


    Beautiful girls, nice dances. But this place is too small for a party.

  • Sader Ssder

    Sader Ssder


    Overpriced.. be careful..

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