The choice is small. To buy sausages, I had to look for a seller in the store. She left from behind the counter when I was already choosing the goods. Strange behavior. But she quickly responded to the request to weigh the sausages.
In principle, everything is fine, a lot of products, fast service. But there is one thing but why I don’t often buy in this store is smells!!! Often there smells are not very pleasant. And a lot of visits from homeless people who discourage all desire to come again.
Magician 88. I live nearby, I go to this store. A large assortment for a small store. The prices are moderate, the staff is polite. Fruits are always fresh, not rotten. A large selection of dairy products.
Desværre, der er ingen steder i Købmand eller supermarked Hviderusland
Mercury 5005
::Excellent cooking, a huge selection of products, everything is fresh and tasty, special thanks to the staff, no doubt 5 stars!!!
Ан Я
::The choice is small. To buy sausages, I had to look for a seller in the store. She left from behind the counter when I was already choosing the goods. Strange behavior. But she quickly responded to the request to weigh the sausages.
Ева Рыхлёнок
::In principle, everything is fine, a lot of products, fast service. But there is one thing but why I don’t often buy in this store is smells!!! Often there smells are not very pleasant. And a lot of visits from homeless people who discourage all desire to come again.
::Dead place.
Hbgg Bhfb
::Magician 88. I live nearby, I go to this store. A large assortment for a small store. The prices are moderate, the staff is polite. Fruits are always fresh, not rotten. A large selection of dairy products.