Prokat Avto Avtorenta i Minsk

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17, Vulitsa Kuybyshava, 220029, Minsk, BY Belarus
Kontakter telefon: +375 29 304-33-11
Latitude: 53.910668, Longitude: 27.564421
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Kommentar 5

  • Kirill Avramenko

    Kirill Avramenko


    I used "Prokat Avto" two times and both times it was a good experience. I rented Ford Focus, which was in excellent condition. It was also a possibilty to return the car in the airport, which is very usefull option. Good customer service as well. Thank you, Dmitry. I highly recommend this car rental company.

  • Gregory Koshmak

    Gregory Koshmak


    We had a problem with another rental company and had to find a last minute replacement. Our request was answered immediately and 30 minutes later we were sitting in the car signing all the documents. Dmitriy was very pleasant and easy to deal with, ready to fix any problem. Highly recommend to use this rental service when in Minsk!

  • Ruslan Vlasevich

    Ruslan Vlasevich


    Good place and very nice owner. We took ford focus just for a few days, and conditions were quite good, there were no problems and opposite to that everything was very nice. Recommend!

  • Dmitriy Arkannikov

    Dmitriy Arkannikov


    Dmitriy is the most attentive person I have ever dealt with professionally. He was pleasant, polite and professional. He answered phone calls at any time of day and night. The car was very good. He gave recommendations and directions. When renting from him ask qustions. He knows the city and surrounding area and was able to give excellent siteseeing and restaurant recommendations. 5 star service.

  • Jacob Kay

    Jacob Kay


    Reasonably priced, very nice customer service and overall was a please to do business with. Would highly recommend.

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